Here is how you can prevent it from copying, download, or printing:
To be able to use Sheet2Site you need to make your Google Sheet public. This means that anyone on the internet with a link to your Google Sheet can see data, but can not edit it. If you have some sensitive information, please do not use Sheet2Site. The Google Sheet link may be found in the HTML source code of the Sheet2Site website and is not private.
But you can do certain things that could make harder to do it:
Prevent sheet from being copying and download
- Open your Google Sheet
- Click on a green Share button in the top left corner. Share with people and groups window should appear.
- Click on the Settings gear icon in the top left corner of the Share with people, and groups window.
- Disable checkbox: Viewers and commenters can see the option to download, print and copy
- Wait once your settings will be updated. You should see an notification
- Click Back
- Click Done

Hide the tabs in the Google sheet

You can hide the tabs in your Google Sheet.
- Open your Google Sheet
- Choose the tab that you want to hide in the bottom of the page
- Right click: Hide sheet
Once you will do it people can't copy your Sheet, at least in an easy way.