How to Launch on Product Hunt

In this article, we'll show you how to launch your project in Product Hunt

  1. Intro
  2. Prepare Content For Product Hunt Post
  3. First Comment
  4. Get to the Popular Page
  5. Share Your Launch With People
  6. Tips


Product Hunt is a unique website. It allows you to share your idea to thousands of people just in one day for free and see if people like it. It helped a lot of indie developers find their first clients and generate their first revenue. I personally made 9 apps and all of them I launched on Product Hunt. All my apps got around 80,000 unique visitors for the time that Product Hunt analytics tracked, but the real number is probably more like 90,000–100,000. Just imagine how much this could cost if I bought this traffic from Google or Facebook ads?

Launch Examples:

To get a feeling what launch can be please take a look on these launches:

Prepare content for Product Hunt Post

To avoid stress I suggest you to prepare everything upfront. You need to prepare the following content:

  • Title (App name)
  • Slogan (Short description in 1 sense)
  • Thumb (icon) GIF
  • Video
  • Screenshots
    • First screenshot 800x400 (it will be used for Twitter sharing image)
    • Other screenshots of the app. Make users clearly understand what's your product about
    • GIFs with small features demos 2-3 sec. Example:

First comment

The first comment is a place where you can describe to people your vision why you decided to make a product, what features does it has and you can add images so it will be looks like a mini landing page. Examples:

You can use basic HTML syntax in the first comment to format the text and add images. For example you can add some extra iamges to the first comment using img tag.

  • Upload screenshots and GIFs to your hosting so you can insert them into your first comment. Just insert them as url and it will be render as image in your first comment. Post this first comment just after the launch.

There are two pages: Popular (Front page) and newest (all other). Popular is a curated list of most instructing products of the day. So you need to make something interesting. Not just email list or something. Also you can try to write in the support chat and kindly ask to add you to the popular.

Share your launch with people

Check how your Product Hunt post link looks in social medial before make a tweet

Insert a product hunt link there. Of looks bad change and scrape again

Make a perfect tweet about your launch


Write cool text that will describe your app and include the link to Product Hunt post.


  1. Don't think that your product is so good and it will go viral by itself. If people will like your product they will vote but when you just launch try to boost it a bit and share with your friends first, so people who don't know you have more chances to find your product
  2. Share your launch with everyone. Your tweeter followers, blog subscribers, facebook, all friends :)
  3. Launch day: In weekends less competition and less traffic and weekdays more competition but more traffic. I'm typically launching in Sun and Wed
  4. Launch time at 00:02 San-Francisco time (because time is reset)
  5. Hunt yoursel, you don't need any special hunters.

You can do it! πŸ™Œ

Need help?

If you have any questions about Product Hunt launch pleae let me know if the chat and I will be happy to answer any question.