Check out what's new at Sheet2Site
6 November 2024
You can now have a lovely carousel of images in any detail page or modal pop-up just by using a list of image URLs each separted by a new line!
21 September 2024
Just when you thought that our search feature couldn't get any better. It can now ignore accented characters, making searching more intuitive for English speakers. We've also made the search bar available, even when their are no filters!
23 August 2024
It's now possible to allow your users to download data from a search or filter as a CSV file. To find out more, please just contact our support team.
1 June 2023
You can now include lists of links (seperated by new lines) in the detailed description of any item, and sheet2site will automatically convert them to separate, bulleted, clickable links.
28 May 2023
We've made some optimisations which means that your sheet2site will now run at warp speed! There's nothing that you need to do, the speed enhancements will just happen by magic.
14 March 2022
You can now include a map, with pins to locate every row in your sheet on everyone of our templates.
30 December 2022
You can now setup your filters so that filters that don't appear in the results are removed from the filter list. So as users narrow in to what they're looking for, the filters become increasingly relevant. MAGIC!
25 April 2021
Now you can have everything in 1 sheet: Data, Filters, Extra Fields, Map, Detailed Pages! Just select a type for each column and everything else will be created automatically.
25 January 2021
Now you can make your own Google style searching website. The data is hidden from the home page and shown only when the user enters a search keyword.
7 December 2020
Add YouTube and Vimeo videos to your websites. If you want to make a course, create a list of curated videos anything else.
Videos can be Public or Unlistened (hidden from the main search).
6 December 2020
Now you can add an audio files from your Google Drive and play them in the table.
Just add a link to the shared audio file and it will be displayed with a clickable play icon.
4 December 2020
This website example is using Google Finance formula to display Nasdaq stock. The data is updating Live.
21 November 2020
Do you have a big sheet and you want to show each row as a separate page with a unique URL? Create as new page just by adding a new row to your Google Sheet:
19 November 2020
How to Create a Website from Google Sheets for Free
11 November 2020
Now all columns that do not fit screen will be collapsed and if the users what to see them they can be expanded scroll down to see more details
3 November 2020
Your Goolge Drive folder can be used as your image hosting. Here is how you can display images from Google Drive in your website
23 October 2020
Now you can add a multi filter to a table template. Check the demo:
5 October 2020
Embed Google Sheet to: Weblow, Carrd, Weebly, Wix, Squarespace, WordPress, Custom Website.
22 September 2020
An Organisation Employee Directory with filters by department, location, position, seniority. Using SharePoint or Office 365](/how-to-create-employee-directory/)
15 September 2020
Make a Beautiful Restaurant Menu from Google Sheets, No Coding or Design Skills Required. You can read more on Restaurant Menu Maker with Google Sheets
31 August 2020
In Multi filters users might see message "Nothing found" when the filter combination do not have any results found. Example: Show me job in "San Francisco" AND "Full Stack" AND "Junior"
Show filters dynamicly that only have results. So now users do not need to guess any more and will never see "Nothing Found" message again.
4 August 2020
You can have dropdown filters instead of filter buttons. It can be useful if you have a lot of filters and you want to group them by a category.
Demo2 August 2020
Recently I've made 3 big important SEO updates:
1 August 2020
Now when the user opens website it will load 100 items initially and 100 more when "Load More" button will be clicked and so on. This allows to have pretty big website with a lot of data. Up to 10,000 rows in the sheet.
20 March 2020
You can create a website for free that showing useful information about Coronavirus in your city/university/neighborhood.
8 February 2020
In this article, we'll show you how to can embed your Google Sheet to your Wix website
30 January 2020
Now you can add a commets to each of your sub pages using Disquss The internet's favorite comment plug-in that makes it easy to make a comment section. So will be able to create a discussions, efficiently moderate comments, and build engaged community.
Let's say you are using voting template. You have a website with list of apps. Each app have its own sub page. And each sub page have a comment section in the bottom.
18 December 2019
π I worked hard on adding the most requested features ever. Now you can:
16 October 2019
Now you can create your own Product Hunt style website where you users can vote for the best items and submit their own.
15 October 2019
Get 15% lifetime fee.
Register5 October 2019
On the weekends I decided to switch from my main job and make something just for. I made a website that converts an image to spreadsheet pixel art. Images are shared in a live feed so you can see what other people are making. You can try to convert your own image to a spreadsheet here.
16 September 2019
If you have a big team and you want an easy way to manage team list you can try the new team template. Each team member have their own bio page with detailed information about him/her. You can search by name, position or contant, filter by a vacancy.
Use this template13 September 2019
A lot of users of Sheet2Site asked me how they can create a simple blog from the spreadsheet.
So I made a super simple blog in a single spreadsheet. It support Markdown for posts, and has support for a image header, nav bar, logo. Everything can be changed inside the sheet.
It also has Markdown live preview page, to see how what you're writing will look like. And basic features like social media cards with images and custom CSS/JS.
Google Sheet: Link
Home page with all articels overview -
Seprate page for each article with good looking link nam -
Markdown support -
Embed tweets inside the article -
Unqiue socail media cards for each article. When you will - share your article in Tweeter big image will apear
Create your own blog1 September 2019
Bring the power of Sheet2Site to your existing website with Sheet2Site WordPress Plugin. Make any webpage dynamic, by adding your Sheet2Site page and manage it from Google Spreadsheets.
Whether itβs a time table, product inventory, job listings, or anything else you can think of. Manage it with ease through Google Spreadsheet powered by Sheet2Site.
Install Plugin18 August 2019
You can add extra information to your card that will will be pop-up when the user will click on the card.
It's also works in embedded websites.
Just add this text information into Cards tab->Optinal data 3.
10 August 2019
Already have a website? Want to embed your spreadsheet data in a visual way? Whether you use Wix, WordPress or a custom site.
You can easily embed Your Sheet2Site Page into yourExisting Website:
You will keep your brand and design. It will have a separe page like:
26 July 2019
1) Vacancy links in Jobboard templates:
When you click on vacancy it will add the link to the browser like:
So users can copy it and share specific vacancies:
2) Vacancy color:
Change color of each vacancy so you can highlight paid posts of your clients and upsell it:
26 July 2019
Sheet2Site users usually use big high res images (it's just easier). For example pretty small website just with 27 image had:
Before: 55MB, load time: 20 sec
After: 4.9MB, load time: 4.7 sec
26 July 2019
Now you can add custom HTML and/or custom scripts to your website
For example if you want to add sharing butthons script, just add it to advanced tab -> Custom Script:
25 July 2019
1) Live preview of layout:
Live preview your website layout directly in Google Sheet:
2) Intuitive template:
Completley redesigned template, to make it more intuitive and clean. All data is splitted between tabs:
3) Change colors easy:
To change colors of your website, just as easy to change background color in Google Sheet:
4) Demo video
I recorded 6 mins video with a narration to demonstrate step by step how Sheet2Site is working:
23 July 2019
New template is here! Good for e-commerce and Amazon affiliate websites!
22 July 2019
Now you can create as much detailed pages as you want from 1 sheet. Just add titles, descriptions, links, images and buttos.
4 July 2019
Now Sheet2Site Job board Tempate have auto genereted JobPosting schema from Google Sheet. You can improve the job seeking experience by adding job posting structured data to your job posting web pages. Adding structured data makes your job postings eligible to appear in a special user experience in Google Search results. More detailed about
29 Apr 2019
With Sheet2Site you can build websites for Amazon Affiliate Program.
Learn More16 Apr 2019
Now you can change default font to one of 22 avalible fonts.
Just open design tab -> Header font -> select from dropdown.
14 Apr 2019
You can add a embeded Typeform that will pop-up when a user will click a link or a button
Learn More8 Apr 2019
You can add a facebook post links and the Google Sheet and create a beautiful facebook posts list website
23 Mar 2019
22 Mar 2019
You can add a twitter links and the Google Sheet and create a beautiful tweets list website
15 Mar 2019
Now you can add meta title and meta description to your page which could improve your SEO slightly. These fileds are avalible in the settings tab.
14 Mar 2019
I made a list of websites that were made with Sheet2Site. This list was also made on Sheet2Site. Meta :).
13 Mar 2019
I living in Bali, but always strugle what are events today, so I built events calendar that showing parties, bars and other events in Canggu, Bali. I built it in 30 mins using events tempate.
11 Mar 2019
For SEO is important to have not just one page website. Google likes that your website have more pages with good content. To be able to do it you can create more pages which will show detailed information about an item (goods, vacancy, event, etc).
9 Mar 2019
To makes your content looks better you can format is it with basic HTML Syntax. You can add titles, lists, images, links and more inserting these HTML tags in your Google Sheet and it will be displayed in your websites
3 Mar 2019
You can add now more call to actions
3 Mar 2019
Sheet2Site allows you to see the stat of most clicked links from your website via Google Analytics.
2 Mar 2019
A lot of good structured data is avalible through APIs like weather, ratings, currency rates and many more. APIs give you this data in JSON format and now it's possible to import JSON data directly into Google Sheet.
1 Mar 2019
You can add embeded Google Form to your website to be able to collect data from users. For example you want to make a post a job form for your vacancy website. This form will be in your domain subpage like
27 Feb 2019
All sites now are loading 2-3 times faster.
24 Feb 2019
Table template can represent a lot of data in a beutiful table with images, links and sorting by each column. For example if you want to make a list of the Top Instargam Accounts
24 Feb 2019
To have an idea how to work with Sheet2Site edit the sheet below and let the magic happen. This demo is showing only basic things that you can customize
23 Feb 2019
New events template is here. Build your own list of conferences, meetups, events, parties
22 Feb 2019
New real estate template with embeded map powered by Mapbox
18 Feb 2019
I added search by item title and description
17 Feb 2019
I added documentations about how to use Sheet2Site
15 Feb 2019
A lot of people used Sheet2Site for making a job board. This is completle redesigned jobboard with companies logos, skills filters and vacancy description
10 Feb 2019
Let's say that user want to see all headphones that are Dj + Home and Audio-Technica. Here is a website demo
06 Feb 2019
I made complete redesign of Sheet2Site templates. This is a first template for business.
04 Feb 2019
A lot of people asked about subpages and navigate them from navbar in the top. Here it is!
02 Feb 2019
Now you can create JSON API from Google Sheet with real time updates.
18 Jan 2019
I made new landing page for Sheet2Site 2.0
3 Jan 2019
Completly new Sheet2Site is coming!
10 November 2018
Now you can integrate Mailchimp simple adding Mailchimp ID to call to action
10 October 2018
You can connect you custom subdomain
25 September 2018
All custom domains has https!
30 August 2018
Now all people who have an existing WordPress website could use Sheet2Site to make subpages in this website.
11 August 2018
You can add text to your website with more information about your website. HTML tags are supported!
7 June 2018
Wow! Sheet2Site in CodePen Blog. Thank you CodePen!
25 May 2018
All images now loading 5x faster using Blinkloaded
17 April 2018
You can add custom script like facebook messanger or Hotjar or anything else
15 April 2018
Let's say you have a list of the cafe and you want to find: Vegetarian AND Indian. Here is a website demo
13 April 2018
I wrote the Story of Sheet2Site on Medium
Hardcore Year First MonthβββGetting press coverage and reaching $361/m revenue
4 April 2018
Sheet2Site was featured in Lifehacker Japan and Lifehacker Ru
22 March 2018
We did it! Sheet2Site become #1 in Product Hunt with 1000+ upvotes! This my first product that become #1 I'm very excited about it
21 March 2018
Hooray! I launched Sheet2Site on Product Hunt and Hacker News
5 Jan 2018