Where drink a Pastis in Spain?

A collaborative platform to access to the best bars, restaurants or places to drink a Pastis in Spain or wherever you are in the world.

๐Ÿ“ Suggest a new place

Some words about the Pastis and this platform

French people and, especially people from Marseille (where the Pastis is born) are travelling and living all around the world. The "Pastis", this anise and licorice-flavored yellow aperitif spirit has long been a part of the Mediterranean flow of life. It's the second most popular drink in France, after wine and one of the most popular drinks all around the world. So, the Pastis is everywhere!

The general purpose of this unique collaborative platform is to provide to all Pastis lovers (and those who had never tasted it yet) to access, in 1-click, to the best bars, restaurants or places to drink a Pastis wherever you are in the world.

Enjoy your Pastis and cheers!

Florent Isidore
A Pastis lover from Marseille

Note: PastisAnywhere.com was launched on 1 August 2019, so for now, only few countries are available, others are coming. So stay calm, take a Pastis and go back later. Of course, I count on you to suggest nice places by clicking on this link!