Post Job Position

To post open job positions at your company, please follow the steps below:

1) Complete the Intake Form below to post open job positions on the website.

IPN Company Board Intake Form

2) After submitting the form, the available job positions will be uploaded on the website within 48 hours (weekends and holidays there will be a longer delay up to 72 hours).

3) Jamati members will then be able to apply and send an email to letting us know that they have applied for the position at your company.

4) The IPN Connections Team will connect you and the Jamati member via email for a possible referral. It is at your discretion to provide a referral.

5) If the company is no longer accepting referrals or you no longer want to provide a referral, please email and let us know. We will then remove your posting from the website within 48 hours of your email.